Prof Max Velmans
Dept of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London
I have just finished reading your insightful book. A beautifully illustrated personal and mystical journey of your own wounded inner child to your own sleeping giant … to your one-ness with the unfathomable, eternally creative cosmos which is the ultimate ground of all being. Weaving together childhood writings, fairy tale, exquisite poetry, and deep mystical insight, it’s a uniquely constructed tale of the hero/heroine’s journey from lost to found to lost again in never-ending creative patterns.
It is also one of the oldest stories ever told. One finds it, for example, in ancient Egypt in “The revelation of the Soul of Shu,” inscribed on the sarcophagus of Gwa, a physician-sage of the 12th Dynasty, (circa 1650-1850 B.C):
I am SHU
The dweller within the one million beings.
I gain awareness from them.
I disseminate to his own generations the word
Of the one that creates himself from himself.
The generations will identify me.
With the great mystical ship steered
By him who liberates his being from his own Self.
For I have seen the abyss becoming I.
He knew not the place in which I became
Nor did he see me becoming his own face.
I forge my Soul in creating the concept of my Soul
Within the dwellers of the lake of fire.
My becoming is the force of the entire Creation
Which flows forth from the great lord
Dr Lindey, Cambridge
With unbounded generosity of spirit and openness of heart, Cindy invites us to share freely the hard won riches of her inner wisdom, presented in her book ‘The Sleeping Giant’
The journey on which we are taken is like an Aboriginal Dream . There are clear resonances with Pagan and Biblical acts of creation. ‘Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven’. In Jungian terms the highest truths are couched in myth. Thus Jack climbs the beanstalk to face the Sleeping Giant of his own consciousness.
If a world can be seen as a grain of sand, a soul laid bare reveals infinity, in word and image her work is in the visionary tradition of William Blake, a projection of identity with the Cosmos.
To give of oneself is the greatest gift, it is a dream tapestry . Story threads of the finest rainbow gossamer are woven into the canvas the of the author’s life journey.
And as with an intricate tapestry, the grand design only becomes apparent as we see the work nearing completion. Alchemical transformation of spirit, can only be achieved by the refining of f ire and grinding pestle. Thus the essential gifts of spirit are released.
‘Do you know how much loneliness it takes to find your Giant?’ we are asked. Cindy leaves us in no doubt that she achieves what she set out to do.
David Lorimer MA PGCE FRSA

Writer, lecturer, director of international S&M Network and editor of re-named ‘Network Review’, ‘Paradigm Explorer,’
David Lorimer came across a hard copy of ‘The Sleeping Giant’ earlier this year and endorsed it with a full review… “Inspired by the love of her inner child, Cindy takes the reader on an archetypal transformative journey of healing and awakening“
Vladislav Zadrobilek

Famous Czech Alchemist, founder of ‘Trigon Publishing’ (nominated for the 2005 Czech National Prize for Literature), who translated a priceless collection of ancient hermetic manuscripts at his famous bookshop in Prague, planned to place some of Cindy’s work in his own monthly journal, ‘Logos’
This is truly beautiful work. It is reminiscent of the work of William Blake. You are one of only two western women who have completed an authentic alchemical journey as well as recording it, you must get it published.
Professor Chris Clarke
Mathematical physicist, former head of applied mathematics at Southampton University, UK, and contributor to ‘Journal of Scientific and Medical Network Review’, (with whom I wrote an article: What is the World like? Response from two modern mystics, issue 1362-112, Summer 2013, Bridging Science and Mysticism)
Cindy has seen and drawn a whole intricate cosmology, including the unfolding of beings in the process of creation, that are remarkably like Julia Sets, whilst her writings bear an uncanny resemblance to the ‘Implicate Order’ of physicist David Bohm.
Click here for Chris’s review of my book and click here to view my article that he invited me to write in Network Review.